Project: Wedding
These are most of the photos I took at my uncles wedding in the end of July. It was outside of Stockholm and the weather was fabulous! I´ve used different effects to change the tint and appearance of the photo and a lot of blurring to erase the background and bring forth the people as the focus of the photo. I encountered a huge obstacle during the wedding ceremony and during the party afterwards since the lighting was horrible both in the church and in the building for the party. Therefore I took most of my pictures outside, and had to edit the indoor pictures a little extra to try ot reduce the blurriness of the photos. This worked to a certain extrent but the outdoor pictures are significantly better and sharper than the indoor ones.
For this activity I will take both service, since I took pictures the whole day and evening afterwards and donated the pictures to the couple afterwards, and creativity for the editing the pictures and discovering new techiniques for reducing blur and the yellow-tint that showed up on the pictures that were inside the church.
I feel that the skills I developed through testing different techniques for reducing the yellow pigment will be useful for future photography since indoor photos of any type usually give the same effect. Mastering this technique will help me in the future with similar problems.
Service: 10 hours
Creativity: 10 hours
NOTE: Click on the pictures to make them larger.