These are pictures I tool of my youngest sister, 'C'. She has recently started interacting more with her surroundings and started recognizing the people around her. Also, she has started to smile, which is amazing to see. Getting her to smile in front of the camera is a struggle though, since she fins the camera very interesting and mostly stares at it with big round eyes. But I got a few good shots of this babybelle.
For these pictures I altered the contrast, and then used an effect to washout some of the coloring. This gives a reletively even shade throughout the whole picture. It also flows together with the blanket below her aswell.
When I editted the second one, I used the "night-effect" and then evened out the tone, to give the who picture a light blue-purple over-tone.
For these pictures I altered the contrast, and then used an effect to washout some of the coloring. This gives a reletively even shade throughout the whole picture. It also flows together with the blanket below her aswell.
When I editted the second one, I used the "night-effect" and then evened out the tone, to give the who picture a light blue-purple over-tone.